Last weekend, Donosti was host to the most popular rowing contest in the Cantabrian Sea - La Bandera de la Concha (The Flag of the Concha). Each year, over 100,000 people flock to Donosti, sporting thier team color to cheer on their favorite rowers. Although many rowing teams throughout the Basque Country and other parts of the Cantabrian Sea try out, only 8 race for the Flag.
The competition takes place over two Sundays, so as to make sure everyone gets a fair shot at lanes and good weather. The first Sunday, I watched the races on TV, so when I arrived on the last Sunday, I had a pretty good idea of the teams, rowers and thier times. The times from the two Sundays are added up after the two-heat race and that is how the winner is determined.

Why didn't I cheer for Donostia you may ask? Well, let me tell you. Each year, only 8 teams race, but really only 7 qualify. Great times are expected to qualify and it means the world if a lesser team makes it into the final 8, but Donostia always makes it in. Although they are bad, they claim that since the race in held in thier Bay, they are entitled to race every year - qualifying time or not. The funny thing is that although this race is almost the 'Olympics' of rowing in Spain, Donosti never even gets close to winning on thier waters. White shirts for the Donosti team are scare, and as the fast paddling teams whiz into the Bay, Donosti usually cruises in a nice 15 or 20 seconds behind (which is light years in rowing). So, I opted for Orio and was quite happy with the choice.
A rowing constant, this competition has been on the books for 128 years. Besides a few years in the Spanish Civil War, rowers have been vying for the Flag of the Concha for over a century, and I assume will continue to aspire to it for years to come. While there is an actual rowing season, with wins, losses, etc, all of that goes out the window at Concha. Whoever wins this race are the rowing Gods til the next year.
Between pintxos and Basque wine (txakoli), I was quite tired by 7pm and headed home. While I have lived here for two years, I somehow managed to miss both regattas that I have been here for. Finally make it was great - a sunny day, friends, delicious food and drinks and a water sport - all things Basque.