Hi everyone! I hope that your weekend is finishing up well. I didn't do anything too exciting this weekend, just relaxed but wanted to write you anyways!
Friday night as very uneventful in terms of activities, however I did manage to make a tuna casserole. For all that know me, you know that tuna casserole is pretty much a weekly meal for me. Since in Spain, I have not had it for a few reasons - 1) they do not have Tilamook cheese...so sad, and 2) they do not have cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup. But on Friday night I was looking for some food from home and was determined to figure out how to cook some tuna casserole. I found some 4 Cheese grated cheese at the store (Gouda, Cheddar, Emmental and something else - basically 3 cheeses I don't eat haha) and mixed it with some milk to make the sauce and ta-da easy as that I had tuna casserole. Here in Spain, they don't have the regular milk that you buy at your grocery store - we have UHT milk, which is ultra-heat-treated milk. It is sold in cartons and isn't refridgerated. Amazingly, it is good for months. Check it out here! The milk I bought this week is good until December! The tuna casserole wasn't as amazing as I could make at home, but it was delicious and made my night. I made a movie night out of it and stayed in because I was pretty tired from the week. Exciting life I know ha.
Saturday I made it a mission to buy a bookshelf. San Sebastian is the uppity city in Basque Country and as a result there are many high-end botiques that sell things for ridiculous prices. Seeing as I will only be here a year, I didn't feel like paying 100 euros for a bookshelf. Ikea is miles and miles away so I found the bus that goes to the mall and hopped on it. What did I find when I got to the mall - something EXACTLY like Wal-Mart or Target. I kind of felt like I was at home! I got my bookshelf and a random array of other items like groceries and things to sprurce my bedroom up so it feels homey. I found some Mexican food - in the international aisle. I am used to getting tortilla chips for like $1 but here since it's international and fancy a baby bag costs like 2 euros! Tacos here I come! While I managed to find a lot of good deals, it wasn't so fun to lug it all home on the bus and then carry it the ten minutes from the bus stop to my apartment. The shelf was rather heavy and I considered it my workout for the day! The room is coming together and I should have some pics up soon!
I went out with my roommates and some friends Saturday night to a disco. Now, normally I would say I went to a club, but if you say club here, it means brothel. I don't want anyone thinking I go to brothels on Saturday night haha! We stayed out until 6am, which is how they do it over here. The place was still packed when we left, but man I was tired and just wanted to sleep!
Sunday was perfect and very tranquilo. It rained most of the week, so I was happy to wake up to warm weather and sunshine. I dedicated my day to the Concha Playa and spent about 4 hours laying around, swimming and taking cat naps on the beach. I saw some other colored swimsuits besides black this time, so didn't feel like my brown swimsuit stuck out so much! After 4 hours, I decided my skin probably needed a little break from the sun so I
grabbed an ice cream (which was huge - probably about the size of my face) and started walking around, looking for language schools. My new favorite ice-cream is yogurt con frutas de bosque con yogurt con frescitas. They let you pick two flavors to mix so I always get this combo - it's yogurt with fruits (raspberries and blueberries) and yogurt with strawberries. It tastes EXACTLY like Pinkberry
for those of you who appreciate Pinkberry in the way that I do hahahah!
Once the sun started to set, I made my way back home to get ready for another week! Of course I snapped some pictures during the day though - it seems like I won't leave my apartment without my camera! I caught a man fishing, a shot of the Parte Vieja from an opening in the railing of the Boardwalk and a shot of me with the Concha Playa in the backgrou. Weekends are best! Hope you're enjoying yours!
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