Well, this weekend wasn't too crazy, more of a relaxing few days. Started off by having a dinner party at a friends house with a bunch of my good friends. Paul, the person who cooked it, made quite the dinner (cena). We started off with tuna fish with corn, followed by sardines with mushrooms. I took like one bite of a sardine and then saw there were still skeletons and was super grossed out and gave up, but points for trying it right? Next was some cod and then a pasta with a red sauce with more tuna in it. The sauce was good, but my friend, silly Irish men, didn't have enough burners to COOK the pasta and instead let the pasta soak in cold water for 2 hours so that it became soft!!! Our Italian friends were not so impressed haha
ha. For dessert we had an oreo cake and a flan, both of which were delicious! Here is a picture of a few of my girlfriends - from left to right Katarzyna (yea impossible to say, from Poland), then ME, then Peni (from Denmark). Our dinners are always fun because it is always such a mix of people.
If you look closely you will see I am wearing a shirt that says YES WE CAN. My friend Madeline saw it the other day in a shop in town and sent me a message because she knew I would want to buy it. The next day I walked into the store and pointed to the shirt and said I want to buy that. I didn't bother trying it on or asking the price...I just knew I HAD to buy it! Turns out it fits perfect and it was only 12€. Everyone here knows I am so proud to be American so everyone loved it!
Saturday consisted of laying on the beach. The weather was rather warm so we laid out in our jeans and sweaters on blankets and just enjoyed the sun. With 2 pounds of strawberries for about $3 I was in heaven and had a very relaxing day. Sunday was more of the same with a little less sun. Today I had a movie party with my friend Peni in between looking up places to stay in Paris! It was a very relaxing weekend and I hope yours was the same! Happy March!
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