Hello everyone! Remember I mentioned that my second weekend here was a really busy one but I hadn't shared it yet with you because my friend hadn't given me the photos?? Well, she finally has, and although it's 3 weeks later, I want to tell you about an awesome weekend I had here, back when the sun was still shining!
Madeline, my good friend from England, had her birthday three weeks ago, and we celebrated big time! It had kind of been a rainy and dreary week, but when we woke up Saturday morning, there wasn't a cloud for miles! She called me up and said 'we will be at your house in 15 minutes. I
will call when the car is outside and you should come running out!'. While reading it now, it sounds like a bank robbery scheme, but really it was just the ride to the port, where we unloaded a kayak. Her French flatmate, Maxime (pronounced max-seem) happens to own a kayak and suggested we spend the morning in the water. I was pretty pumped because I had never been kayaking, and actually had thought about doing it in the Puget Sound all summer but didn't get to it! We decided we would kayak from the port to the island that is the middle of the Bay of Biscay. You might remember the island from some of my past pictures, but here is another shot of it, from a nearby hill. We kayaked from the verrrrrry left of this picture. If you look closely you might be able to see the small port. Because the island blocks a lot of the waves that come into the Bay, the water is very calm, and during the excursion we stopped for some swimming and of course more guitar playing. Every half hour, a tourist boat de
parts from the port and takes people to the island, so we not only amused ourselves, but provided exciting entertainment for them! On the island there is an old lighthouse, some trails and a snack bar. We headed to the snack bar and I munched on an apple and took in some much-needed sun. After awhile we decided we should add more fun adventures to our day and headed back to the mainland. After about 30 minutes in the kayak we were back in the car and heading toward what Madeline called a 45-minute hike.

With our bellies full of the famous Spanish ham sandwiches, me in my flipflops and 3 more of our friends headed out on a trail that started as a steep climb and then leveled off an
d gave you a magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean. With the deep blue water to our right and heavy foilage to our left, we were basically walking on the edge of Europe, and it was beautiful. In this picture you can kind of get an idea of how the vivid blue clashed with the electric green. Halfway through the hike we found a secluded little swimming spot - made up for huge rounded rocks setting against the hill. We climbed down and stripped to our swimsuits and jumped into the pure water. Swimming was followed by a intense card-game of Uno (it seems to be a universal game haha) and then we continued the trek. Two and
a half hours after we started, we finally reached the end - a huge hill that overlooks San Sebastian. The hill comes down at the end of the Zurriola Beach, in my neighborhood, Gros. From here you could see the church that is down the street from my house! We rested there for awhile to take in the view and then headed back to Madeline's house for a grand birthday dinner!

Madeline had decided she wanted fajitas for dinner. When we tried to explain that to two of her housemates they were very puzzled. The conversation in Spanish went something like this: 'Fajitas??', 'Yes, fajitas, they are delicious' 'What are Fajitas?' 'You knowwww, fajitas. Kind of like burritos' 'Noo, I don't know what a fajita is' 'You know, fajitas, mexicans!!' 'Ohhhh mexican fajitas!!'

I guess fajitas aren't as popular as the game Uno because a lot of people didn't seem to know what they were. Regardless, we stocked up on ingredients and started to prepare the dinner (cena). With about 10 people at dinner, it was quite a mix of languages. We had me and Madeline, a boy from Basque Country, a girl from Poland, a boy from Sweeden, a boy from Italy, a girl from El Salvador, a boy from France and more housemates that I don't know where they are from! It's always a lot of fun to have these dinner parties, and since Madeline and I are good friends, I am over there enough to know all the housemates and get along with all of them! After dinner the dinner party turned into a costume party when
Maxime busted out the guitar from our kayak ride and threw on a Mexican blanket and sang a very Mexican song. Everyone was laughing hysterically and were throwing on costumes to join in. During the night I was a leopard girl, a flamenco dancer and a Mexican. Here is a pic of me and the Sweedish guy in costume. It sounds silly but was actually amazing and we stayed up dancing until 4am in the moring!

The next day was spent recovering and on the beach. I think I spent a total of like 7 hours just lying on the sand. Worked up my tan a little bit and gained back my energy from a 9am kayak ride, 3 hour hike and crazy dance party! Sorry it was such late news! This weekend was the polar opposite. I have been having a relaxing weekend, watching movies, catching up on phone calls and doing laundry. I guess you have to have a boring weekend from time to time!
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