Well, I have officially been in the Old Part for a week now - and I am settling in very easily. I like the flat and the girls are very nice, so its been a good move, I think. As promised, I took some photos so you can get some sort of idea of where I am writing you from. 

The apartment is rather small, but its all we need. I live on the 4th floor and thankfully we have an elevator. The odd thing about the elevator is that when you get in, it speaks to you - tells you what floor you are on. That's not too weird, but it's in Basque, so I never know what it is saying. Being on the fourth floor, I know it is something like the number 4 in Basque which is Lau (rhymes with now). And after it says some word similar to that it says another word, which I have no clue what it means. Basically I am going to be come an expert at saying 4th floor - completely useless vocabulary ha.
When you enter the flat right on the left we have a small bathroom. Then to the right is Maider's room and straight ahead is Monica's room. At the end of the
hall you can go left or right. If you go left you walk into the kitchen which is connected to the living room. If you go right, you go to my room! It's not as big as my other room, but still large enough for a big girl bed. I kind of wanted a change from my last flat and saw a photo online that someone had made a 'headboard' out of photos of their friends. Instead of friends, I decided to print out some of my favorite shots of some of the places I have been that are colorful and have some meaning for me.

The name of my street is Calle de la Pescaderia - basically the fish market street. At the end of our street is the old fish market. Basque Country has a very rich history with the water - be it sailing, whaling or fishing. A document from all the way back in 670 mentions the sale of whale blubber from a Basque trader.
Also in the history books is Magellan's tour around the globe. When Magellan was killed, the journey was completed at the mast of a Basque sailor. Not only were Basques great sailors and whale-hunters, but they were also experts in ship-making and are even said to have invited the rudder. All of this sea experience and expertise makes it easy to understand why Donostia, located right on the ocean, was a booming fishing area. Only built in 1928, it is quite a grand building but sadly no longer sells fish. Instead there is a cinema and a f
ood court - probably not was the Basque fisherman who proudly brought their catches to the market would expect nowadays!

Only a few minutes walk from the famous La Concha beach and even less to my Zurriola surfer beach that I love, it's right in the heart of the city. I didn't really realize how much I missed living in the Old Part until this week when I was back. It's so great to meet your friends for a coffee or a beer and be able to leave the house 2 seconds before meeting time. Or if you are bored you just walk around the area and you are bound to find someone playing an instrument or a small festival or a new shop. With the outdoor market one minute from my house, I always make sure I have a bouquet of fresh flowers in my room, which is enough to keep me happy. I am pleased I am done moving and feel comfortable finally - it always takes awhile for a place to feel like home.
I hope you are having a great weekend. Go out and buy yourself a little bunch of flowers - I find it really brightens not only the room but puts a little smile on your face as well.
Finally got around to heading to Lativa, and seeing your new place. Congratulations the big move! So, what's next on the travel agenda? I have a suggestion...Sarajevo. I just finished reading Bill Carter's Fools Rush In, a book I highly recommend, and it has made me want to head that way very badly. I know Bosnia doesn't seem that exciting, but I need to get there some day. Hope all s well. Take care!
OMG I love your new place! Super cute and fits you better. Now I'll have to come back and visit for sure. MUXU Cassie
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