Monday, July 12, 2010

World Cup Champions!

Well, I know soccer isn't such a big sport in the States but gosh, over here it's life. Although I am living in Basque Country, people were pretty excited for last night's game - Spain versus Holland in the World Cup Final in South Africa. In case you didn't see the game, or the news, or read a newspaper today, Spain won!!!

My friend Laura and I met up with some Basque friends and went to a bar to watch the all-important game. The bar we went to is owned by our friend's uncle, so when we arrived we just pulled some chairs from outside into the bar and had front row seats to the TV. We had the best seats in the house because we got the breeze from outside and we got to see all the people passing and check out their faces when they looked in the bar and saw how packed it was - standing room only!

To me, soccer is not so exciting, but when a whole country is cheering, it was, I have to admit, kind of entertaining. After the 90 minutes of play and no goals, overtime started and even the first half of overtime was goaless, but all of a sudden in the last few minutes, Spain scored a goal and everyone went CRAZY!!!!

After, songs were sang, horns were honked and the bars were full! It would have been even better if I had been in Madrid or Barcelona or the South of Spain where people are REALLY Spanish, but overall it was a great time. Maybe in 4 years, if Spain goes to the final again, I'll make the trip and rock some red and yellow for the game. Until then, I am easing myself into the sport haha.

Viva España!

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