Hooray! I found an apartment after only one week! Everything about this move has just fallen into place so easily - and that is what happened with my new apartment! Last week in the hostel, I asked the girl who runs the place if she knew anyone who was looking for a flatmate. She said they just happen to be turning one of the hostels into an apartment this year and that there was a room left if I was interested! I came over and checked the place out and accepted! I get to move in on Sunday. It was so easy and just fell into my lap...it's like it was meant to be!
I will be living in Parte Viea (the old part of town) which is very popular and is located in between two beaches - lucky me! I will have my own room, which comes with a bed, linens, a desk, dresser and nightstand! Also, the heat/water/electricity and internet is all included! I will be living with 4 other people (we each have our own room) and am so happy that this worked out so nicely and that it was for a good price! More pictures to come of the inside of the apartment once I get settled in!
Here are a few shots of what I see when I look out our living room on our balcony. Right out in front of our apartment is this massive old church - bells on the hour and all! It is always bu
sy and I can't wait to see it on a Sunday. The architecture is gorgeous, as you can see. This other picture is the street that I live on (31 de agosto) and what all the houses look like - it's like straight out of a movie, very picturesque! I feel like I will be completely content with sitting on the balcony just looking out at the city. These are obviously different views than I had from my NYC apartment haha!

Overall, I think that this apartment will be great for my time in San Sebastian. As soon as I move in, I will fill you all in on how it goes, but I wanted to give you a quick snapshot of where I will be living for the next 10 months! Now if only I could figure out how to write my address...
Overall, I think that this apartment will be great for my time in San Sebastian. As soon as I move in, I will fill you all in on how it goes, but I wanted to give you a quick snapshot of where I will be living for the next 10 months! Now if only I could figure out how to write my address...
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