Hi everyone! This week has flown by, and while I didn't do anything very cultural or touristy, I did manage to fit in a few things in between work!
I stopped by the church across from my house - La Iglesia de San Vicente, which is gorgeous. I went inside and
was in awe (see pics). I think that they offer tours, but I have
yet to figure out how to get on one of those and if there is even on in English, so I decided to check it out for myself. I was thinking I might stop by the Mass on Sunday to check it out. Hopefully, I will understand some of it, since I assume it will all be in either Basque or Spanish. There are so many huge cathedrals here that I plan to check out over time, but this one is just so close!
Something silly...I spent about 2 hours walking around town looking for...Q-tips! Who would have thought they would have been so hard to find! There isn't really a mall here, so there are just a bunch of shops around town. For example, if you want to buy make-up you have to go to a store that sells make-up and perfume and hair stuff. If you want to buy cough drops you have to go to the farmacia. If you want to buy food you have to go to the market. There isn't really a place where you can get all of those things together like a Target or something. So, I walked all around the city checking a bunch of different stores looking for Q-tips...funny. I finally found some, but I was getting tempted to add them to my birthday list ha!
While checking every store for Q-tips I managed to enjoy myself quite a bit - sightseeing the area and such. I found this gorgeous fountain in a plaza near my apartment.
I wanted a picture in front of it but couldn't find anyone to take one! Finally a nice man came along and I asked him to take a picture, to which he obliged. When I said thank you he said you're welcome in English. Obviously my Spanish accent isn't fooling anyone yet! He happened to be on vacation from Canada! Yay English.
Today (Friday) I met up with some of the friends that my friend who got me this job had last year. It is a couple named Derek and Mandy who live here and work doing a cultural exchange between the States and the Basque Country. They were amazing and helped so much this morning. In two hours, I got a bus pass that gets my half price bus rides to work, I set up a bank account, I figured out where the cheaper shopping stores are, I got a form to fill out to get a library card, I got a map that shows me where I can take Spanish classes and I experience San Sebastian's form of Starbucks - Panchito's! Overall it was a great morning and they were so nice!
Well, that was my week so far. Nothing too crazy, just getting along and learning about the area. I am sure I will do much more exploring this weekend. I hope everyone had a great week :)
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