Hola everyone! Hope your Monday is off to a great start! Mine has been jam-packed! I woke up early to start that Spanish class at the Red Cross and loved it! There are students from all over - Japan, Russia, Germany and some others and the only language we all speak in common in Spanish! We did some worksheets and worked about talking in the past today. It has been so long since I did a worksheet in school, but it is good practice and I was happy to finally have a class. Of course, since I was the new student, I got to introduce myself and then the teacher asked me questions about what I said. She puts you on the spot! My teacher is the one who signed me up, but curiously enough, I don't know her name. I asked another girl in the class and she said that the teacher has never said her name - haha how silly! (qué risa) Regardless, I liked the class and am excited to go tomorrow. I had that class and my private lesson with Carmele, so I should be speaking fluently in no time!
On my walk from the language (lengua) school to the bus, I saw this in front of a toy store...kind of silly. I
t is this huge teddy bear with a moving arm that dips into bubble mix and then he has a fan in his mouth that blows out the bubbles. I was highly entertained. Another funny toy story is that today after work I ran to the grocery store and while shopping a HUGE chipmunk, well a person dressed up as a chipmunk, was walking around the store handing out coupons and Trident gum. It makes sense...chipmunks have big teeth and Trident gum is good for your teeth, but I definitley laughed out loud in the grocery store. I should have gotten a picture!
Headed to bed soon, going to do a little homework and then call it a night. I was reading
CNN International, which I do every day, and saw this article. It is about an artist who did a huge portrait of Obama on a beach in Barcelona. I stole the picture, thanks CNN. While I have not yet been to Barcelona, I was excited that it was in Spain and had to do with the election. Everyone here is so interested in our election tomorrow...even my 13 year old students ask me about it! Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow!

Nothing really special to report today, but wanted to share those silly little stories. Have a great day!
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