After a tiring week from my amazing weekend in Istanbul, I have been bit by the travel bug again and this weekend will head to Madrid! It is my friend Christine's last weekend in Spain and I figured since she hasn't been to Madrid (neither have I) that we should do something special and experience España. I am excited to go to Madrid, as it is the capital of the country and sounds like a pretty gorgeous, bustling city. I am a little nervous about the accent though - it is supposedly very lispy. Funny because I think that the lisp up here in the north is bad, but I guess it's worse in Madrid. I am sure I will manage!
Maybe if I am lucky the city will be decorated for Christmas! I have started listening to Christmas music now :D Normally I wait until after Thanksgiving, but nooooo
Thanksgiving here, so I started this week hahaha. I think I will also download some Spanish Christmas music. I also have 'decorated' for Christmas! I didn't bring any decorations from home except this little color-changing Christmas tree you plug into your computer. I adore it! Also, in Munich I bought a little Christmas ornament for myself...its a little man holding a stein of beer, of course! Yay Feliz Navidad!
We are leaving Saturday morning by bus and will arrive in time for lunch! I have booked a nice-looking hostel in the middle of the city, so we are all set! No set plans...we will just see what we want to do when we get there! I am hoping to see a Flamenco show though...cross your fingers! We catch the midnight bus on Sunday night and will be back in San Sebastian around 6am...just in time for a nap before classes!
More pictures to come next week of the trip! Have a great weekend!
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