Well, I know most of you know already, but in case you hadn't heard the word - I get back on June 18th! Hooray! I am so excited to finally come home - it will have been a whole year since I h
ave seen my family! AND, I am pumped to finally meet my NEW nephew, Austin. Yayay!
I figured I would tell you this now since it is almost officially one month until I get home, which is ironic because it is almost about one month til San Sebastian has consistently good weather. Oh well! It's not too big of a problem because my other big news is that I decided I am going to come back next Fall to teach another school year! I loved the job this year and figure that the economy in the States is a bit rough right now, so if there was any time to live abroad and travel around Europe, this is it! I'm already getting giddy about all the new places I can go next year. In the meantime, I am going to be the BEST Northwest tourist that my state has ever seen. I want to finally visit the Tillamook Factory, see some great plays at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (and of course visit Cathy and Paul!), go to Mariners games, do some berry picking (I guess I will need to make a few dollars over the summer haha), venture into the Ape Caves, check out some totem poles, maybe some kayaking or even whale watching. Who knows? The possibilities are endless and I am just so happy to be coming home and wanted to share it will you all!
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