Last Friday I checked the weather forecast - not really sure why I even bother any more - and of course it predicted rain, rain and a little extra splash of rain for the weekend. This is regular around here, so Friday night was spent with Natalia and a pizza indoors, and I figured the rest of the weekend would be spent inside as well. So, imagine my suprise when I wok
e up Saturday morning and it was sunny! Rays and rays of sunshine.
I took care of some errands around the city and loved walking around in the sunshine seeing that Spring has sprung in Donostia. I was expecting the weather to turn sour halfway through the day, because lately it has been teasing in the morning and then by afternoon it is pouring. By 2pm it was still sunny so I put on my swimsuit and headed to the beach! I was prepared to only be there for an hour but the weather held up, so I spent 3 hours at the beach, tanning it up! I have a nice amount of color now hoooray! I figure that when I come home everyone will expect me t
o be tan because I have lived in Spain for so long, so I am trying to work on my bronzeness ha. While at the beach, I managed to listen to some new music, read some of the TIME magazine I had and see some cool kites that a fellow beach-goer brought. The bright red contrasted perfectly with the bright blue sky and definitley entertained me for a good half-hour.
After the beach I met up with a friend for some shopping and then for a bite to eat and a nice walk on the boardwalk with ice creams in hand. I would consider it a great success of a day! The sunshine and outdoor frolicking that goes along with it didn't last of course. Today it has been rainy all day. Just recently, pounding thunder has started, accompanied by stark bright lightning that makes me feel like I am a celebrity who keeps getting her photo taken out my window! But, looking on the bright (haha) side of things, the rain allowed me to make a fettucine alfredo sauce for dinner, clean my entire room and catch up with everyone.
Only 4 more weeks left for school and 26 days until I am back in the good ol' U.S of A! I hope you are all having a great long weekend. And, in advance, Happy Memorial Day! I was reading this weekend and found out that Memorial Day actually used to be called Decoration Day and was first celebrated around the day of reunification after the Civil War to honor the fallen soldiers. Eventually, it came to encompass those who gave all in every American war and only in 1967 was it adopted as a National holiday! So, thank you to all who have served - here and in heaven. Although I really enjoy living in Spain, I am VERY proud to be an American!
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